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中农高夫生物科技有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 43337 人关注

中农高夫生物科技有限公司 查看企业评价

公司性质: 私营企业

所属行业: 农业科技公司

所在地区: 北京-朝阳区

公司地图: 北京市朝阳区东四环大成国际中心3号楼A座1009  中农高夫生物科技有限公司





Presently, China National Agricultural Means of Production Group Cooperation is the largest domestic state-owned company in the field of research, production and sales for gardening, horticultural and golf turf maintenance products in China.
Main Business Scope of Company:
1) Specially used fertilizer for gardening, horticulture and golf turf maintenance products;
2) Specially used pharmaceutical products for gardening, horticulture and golf turf maintenance;
3) Specially used mechanical equipment products for gardening, horticulture and golf turf maintenance;
Our company holds the idea that “Building professional product and service through professional spirit”, integrating advanced maintenance technology for gardening, horticulture and golf turf maintenance at home and abroad, developing professional products which are more suitable for Chinese gardening, horticulture and golf turf maintenance via combing the domestic gardening, horticulture and turf characteristics and maintenance practice to ensure the advancement and authority of full-line product of “Sino-Agri” Golf. The company relies on the warehouse and logistic network of China National Means of Production Group Cooperation.
For our clients, we provide comprehensive timely delivery of product and timely service;
For the future, we will thoroughly hold the ides of “Building professional product and service through professional spirit” to offer excellent product and service for managers of gardening, horticulture and golf turf wholeheartedly.

Selecting “China National Means of Production Group Cooperation, selecting quality, selecting profession”

职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
草坪机械售后服务工程师 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限   5 面议 2019-03-08   展开
总农艺师 北京 本科及以上 5-6 年 不限   1 面议 2019-03-08   展开
化肥研发专员[只招应届毕业生] 北京 不限 不限 不限   若干 面议 2019-03-08   展开
研发工程师[只招应届毕业生] 北京 硕士及以上 不限 不限   若干 面议 2019-03-08   展开
农药研发专员[只招应届毕业生] 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限   2 面议 2019-03-08   展开